This is a recently submitted project (March 2019) under the OP-South program. Eight SMEs in the biobased sector will work together to bring developed showcases (prototypes) to full-fledged business cases. Many showcases now remain stuck in the so-called “valley of death”, which means that no real production comes about. Reasons for this may be different, such as a lack of clear demand, uncertainty in the supply of raw materials, technical problems to arrive at production lines, etc. By jointly developing an approach to cross that valley and especially by the potential customers in the further development, these companies hope to move forward with making their biobased products ready for the market. In addition to SMEs, public development companies such as REWIN and BOM also participate, as well as the partnership of municipalities in the West of the Dutch province Brabant. In addition, the project is supported by other parties, such as knowledge institutions (Avans, ROC) and intermediary parties (Green Chemistry Campus, Biobased Delta). The project size is almost 3 million and the requested subsidy almost € 1.5 million. Our contribution to this project consisted of writing the grant application at the request of the SMEs.