In this Interreg NWE project (duration 2019-2022), nature organisations and research institutes work together to develop and test methods and techniques to prevent the degradation of peat (which releases a lot of CO2) in nature reserves and to promote natural peat formation. Currently, little is known about the precise scale of CO2 emissions from peat decomposition. Therefore the profit that can be gained from recovery of peat formation cannot be estimated. Various experiments and an extensive measurement program will uncover these. The project also investigates business cases to achieve large-scale peat recovery. We initiated this project, after which we found partners in NL, BE, FR, UK and IE. We wrote the awarded application and are now supporting the partnership in its execution. The number of partners is 9, Natuurpunt (BE) is LP, the total budget is more than 6 million and the subsidy € 3.6 million.